Tsuruda sat down with fuxwithit last year to talk about his Upcoming Projects, Sound Desing and Mr. Carmack.

What’s it been like living, touring & collaborating with Carmack?
(Jokingly) It’s been a nightmare. Nahh, it’s been chill. Honestly shoutout my other roommates, ONHELL, PJ (Promnite)… Not gonna lie after living with them and working with them, my confidence in the studio with other people has drastically increased to where I’ve pretty much learned to not care. I’ve learned how to work a lot better with others and on other people’s studio setups. We all have our own style of music that we’re tryna do, so it’s cool to come together and make something. Lately everyone’s been touring so much and no ones home.

Clipping or nah?
Yes. Clip it then bring it down. Honestly working with Carmack completely changed up how I do my mixdowns. I’ll do what he does and then bring everything down at the same time so it still has that super loud noise but it’s like hitting -3db so you can properly master it.

